PROPERTY 118, the landlord tax consultation specialist, is offering its readers a free landlord insurance…
Landowners Insurance – Woodland

LANDOWNERS Insurance for woodland will protect you if anyone makes a claim against you whilst on your land, whether permitted or not.
Landowners Insurance is Liability Insurance
Very simply, liability insurance protects you against people claiming against you. If someone trips, falls, drowns, gets hit by a branch or suffers any sort of injury whilst on your land, permitted or not, then landowners Insurance will either pay out or repudiate the claim on your behalf.
Liability Insurance does not always pay out
If your are not liable then the liability insurance will not payout. Why would it? The issue was not your fault. An example of this for woodland landowners insurance is a storm blowing over a tree. That is an act of God. The weather is not your responsibility.
Contrarily, if a person trips on an unmarked fallen tree, then you may be liable as you had not highlighted the obstacle. If you are liable, then your insurance will settle the claim.
Landowners Insurance – Woodland
If you have trees on your land then woodland liability insurance is what you need. That can include fields, footpaths, bridleways, rivers and numerous other things as well.
How much Cover do you need?
Choose between £1million – £10million, the choice is yours. The higher the number the higher the cost. £1million is most popular with our clients.
Is Landowners Liability Insurance – Woodland expensive?
If under two acres and no watercourses or rights of way then you will pay under £100 for a year’s cover at £1million liability. The more acres, the more complications and the bigger the plot then the more you will pay. This is not normally expensive insurance though, it is designed to be realistic and affordable.
How to buy landowners Insurance – Woodland
Give The Home Insurer a call on 01832-735388 or fill in the form HERE, it will only take a couple of minutes. We are normally able to get a land insurance quote same day and can hold cover straight away.
I have a 22 acre private woodland in Kent with no public access allowed. This is held in my pension company who are now, after fourteen years, want indemnity insurance. So I require the cheapest of insurances to cover this. Please advise.
Thanks Tony